Adapting Centering Pregnancy for Rural Practice: The Effect on Patient Satisfaction, Kathryn Cooperstein
An Exploratory Study of Cell Phone Use While Driving, Angeline Adams, Barbara Lane Popadics, Jeff Martin, Ryan Morris, and Jennifer Roe
Cell Phone Use and Psychological Correlates: An Explorative Study, David Catchings, Lena Bush, Brent Copes, Amie Schaefer, and Eric Wixom
Characterization of Cell Phone Use by Students and Faculty at Boise State University, Dolores Benavente, Billy Galligar, Molly O'Brien, Jared Rasmussen, and Philip Whipple
Comparison of Combustion Emissions from Wickless- and Wick-based Candles, Jamie Minick
Comparison of Rural Providers and Consumers Regarding Community Health Assets and Deficits, Diane Kenski
Does Class Participation in an Online Learning Environment Improve Student Learning Capability?, Christine Kollar
Evaluation of the Respironics Bipap® Auto SV and Resmed VPAP Adapt SV to Lung Simulator Generated Central and Obstructive Sleep Apneic Episodes., Grant Drake and Dawn Alverson
Exploratory Study to Determine the Prevalence of Pain Associated with Use of a Cellular Phone (Text Messaging), Angeline Adams
Factors Promoting Rural Nursing Recruitment & Retention, Jessica Nelson
Mental Health of Caregiving Grandparents, Barbara Vander Boegh
Students’ Perceptions Regarding Essential Components of a Nursing Leadership Textbook, Cari Cardoni and Diane Kenski
Survey of Cell Phone Use Among College Students, Tabitha Ellis, Whitney Egbert, Tracy Hopkins, Gabriella Katana, and Shannon Tracy
The Growing Concern About Mental Health Services and Medications: A Comparison of Children on the Inside and the Outside of the Foster Care System., Meghan Cunningham
Use of Cell Phone Technology Among Fitness Trainers in the Treasure Valley, Sheri Latta, Melissa Funston, Kristin Heckenlively, Timothy Jones, and Vanessa Olmstead