Human-Environment Systems Research Center Faculty Publications and Presentations | Human-Environment Systems Research Center | Boise State University


Submissions from 2024


Effects of Perceptions of Forest Change and Intergroup Competition on Community-Based Conservation Behaviors, Matt Clark, Haji Masoud Hamad, Jeffrey Andrews, and Vicken Hillis


Leveraging High Resolution Classifications and Random Forests for Hindcasting Decades of Mesic Ecosystem Dynamics in the Landsat Time Series, N. E. Kolarik, N. Shrestha, T. Caughlin, and J. S. Brandt


Demography with Drones: Detecting Growth and Survival of Shrubs with Unoccupied Aerial Systems, Peter J. Olsoy, Andrii Zaiats, Donna M. Delparte, Matthew J. Germino, Bryce A. Richardson, Anna V. Roser, Jennifer S. Forbey, Megan E. Cattau, and T. Trevor Caughlin


Mesic Vegetation Persistence: A New Approach for Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Changes in Water Availability in Dryland Regions Using Cloud Computing and the Sentinel and Landsat Constellations, Nawaraj Shrestha, Nicholas E. Kolarik, and Jodi S. Brandt


Hotter, Drier Climate Influences Tropical Tree Cover Loss and Promotes Bracken Fern Dominance within Arrested Successional Patches in Andean Cloud Forests, Sandra Velazco, Jodi Brandt, Andrii Zaiats, Juan M. Requena-Mullor, Kristhie Pillaca, Balder Choza, and T. Trevor Caughlin


Structural Heterogeneity Predicts Ecological Resistance and Resilience to Wildfire in Arid Shrublands, Andrii Zaiats, Megan E. Cattau, David S. Pilliod, Rongsong Liu, Patricia Kaye T. Dumandan, Ahmad Hojatimalekshah, Donna M. Delparte, and T. Trevor Caughlin

Submissions from 2023


Testing the Affect of Modified Sense of Place, Conservation Ethic, and Good Farmer Identity Measures on Predicting the Adoption of Cover Crops in Working Landscapes in Iowa, Elizabeth A. Bennett, Morey Burnham, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, J. Gordon Arbuckle, Weston M. Eaton, Sarah P. Church, Francis R. Eanes, Jennifer Eileen Cross, and Matthew A. Williamson


Socio-Ecological Interactions Promote Outbreaks of a Harmful Invasive Plant in an Urban Landscape, T. Trevor Caughlin, Matthew Clark, Louis W. Jochems, Nick Kolarik, Andrii Zaiats, Cody Hall, Jason M. Winiarski, Breanna F. Powers, Martha M. Brabec, and Kelly Hopping


Effects of Changing Climate Extremes and Vegetation Phenology on Wildlife Associated with Grasslands in the Southwestern United States, Tyler G. Creech, Matthew A. Williamson, Steven E. Sesnie, Esther S. Rubin, Daniel R. Cayan, and Erica Fleishman


Assessing High Quality Agricultural Lands Through the Ecosystem Services Lens: Insights from a Rapidly Urbanizing Agricultural Region in the Western United States, Sarah Halperin, Antonio J. Castro, Cristina Quintas-Soriano, and Jodi S. Brandt


Understanding Arguments to Protect Farmland in Idaho: Innovative Solutions and Community Insights to Drive Policy Change, Sarah Halperin, Jen Schneider, Rebecca L. Som Castellano, and Jodi Brandt


Moving to the Country: Understanding the Effects of Covid-19 on Property Values and Farmland Development Risk, Kelsey K. Johnson, Lee Parton, Christopher Nolte, Matt Williamson, Theresa Nogeire-McRae, Jayash Paudel, and Jodi Brandt


A Satellite-Based Monitoring System for Quantifying Surface Water and Mesic Vegetation Dynamics in a Semi-Arid Region, N. E. Kolarik, A. Roopsind, A. Pickens, and J. S. Brandt


Cyberinfrastructure Deployments on Public Research Clouds Enable Accessible Environmental Data Science Education, Tyler L. McIntosh, Erick Verleye, Jennifer K. Balch, Megan E. Cattau, Nayani T. Ilangakoon, Nathan Korinek, R. Chelsea Nagy, James Sanovia, Edwin Skidmore, Tyson L. Swetnam, Ty Tuff, Nathan Quarderer, and Carol A. Wessman


Social Vulnerability of the People Exposed to Wildfires in U.S. West Coast States, Arash Modaresi Rad, John T. Abatzoglou, Erica Fleishman, Miranda H. Mockrin, Volker C. Radeloff, Yavar Pourmohamad, Megan Cattau, J. Michael Johnson, Philip Higuera, Nicholas J. Nauslar, and Mojtaba Sadegh


Social Networks Impact Flood Risk Mitigation Behavior: A Case Study of Lidar Adoption in the Pacific Northwest, US, Tara Pozzi and Vicken Hillis


Human Population Growth and Accessibility from Cities Shape Rangeland Condition in the American West, Juan M. Requena-Mullor, Jodi Brandt, Matthew A. Williamson, and T. Trevor Caughlin


Buffalo Reading List, Madison Stevens, Elizabeth Lunstrum, Jamie Faselt, Brent L. Brock, Kyran E. Kunkel, Jake Rayapati, Chamois Andersen, Jeff Martin, Jordan Kennedy, Forrest Hisey, Andrea Olive, and Matt Williamson


Forecasting Natural Regeneration of Sagebrush After Wildfires Using Population Models and Spatial Matching, Andrii Zaiats, Megan E. Cattau, David S. Pilliod, Rongsong Liu, Juan Miguel Requena-Mullor, and Trevor Caughlin

Submissions from 2022


Warming Weakens the Night-Time Barrier to Global Fire, Megan E. Cattau


Modern Pyromes: Biogeographical Patterns of Fire Characteristics Across the Contiguous United States, Megan E. Cattau, Adam Mahood, Jennifer K. Balch, and Carol Wessman


A Quantitative Application of Diffusion of Innovations for Modeling the Spread of Conservation Behaviors, Matt Clark, Jeffrey Andrews, and Vicken Hillis


Social Vulnerability to Irrigation Water Loss: Assessing the Effects of Water Policy Change on Farmers in Idaho, USA, Jason K. Hawes, Morey Burnham, Margaret V. du Bray, Vicken Hillis, Zhao Ma, and Katrina Running


Private Land Conservation Decision-Making: An Integrative Social Science Model, Vicken Hillis


Paths of Coexistence: Spatially Predicting Acceptance of Grizzly Bears Along Key Movement Corridors, Abigail H. Sage, Vicken Hillis, Rose A. Graves, Morey Burnham, and Neil H. Carter


Adaptive Capacity Beyond the Household: A Systematic Review of Empirical Social-Ecological Research, Matthew A. Williamson

Submissions from 2021


Risky Development: Increasing Exposure to Natural Hazards in the United States, Megan Cattau


Anthropogenic Resistance: Accounting for Human Behavior in Wildlife Connectivity Planning, Arash Ghoddousi, Erin K. Buchholtz, Alia M. Dietsch, Matthew A. Williamson, Sandeep Sharma, Niko Balkenhol, Tobias Kuemmerle, and Trishna Dutta


The Role of Culture in Land System Science, Kelly Hopping


Scenario Archetypes Reveal Risks and Opportunities for Global Mountain Futures, Kelly A. Hopping


Science with Society: Evidence-Based Guidance for Best Practices in Environmental Transdisciplinary Work, Kelly A. Hopping


Comparison of Different Analytical Strategies for Classifying Invasive Wetland Vegetation in Imagery from Unpiloted Aerial Systems (UAS), Louis Will Jochems, Jodi Brandt, Andrew Monks, Megan Cattau, Nicholas Kolarik, Jason Tallant, and Shane Lishawa


An Interdisciplinary Assessment of Private Conservation Areas in the Western United States, Cristina Quintas-Soriano, Dainee M. Gibson, Jodi S. Brandt, María D. López-Rodríguez, Javier Cabello, Pedro A. Aguilera, and Antonio J. Castro


Fire Prevention in Managed Landscapes: Recent Success and Challenges in Indonesia, Sean Sloan, Luca Tacconi, and Megan E. Cattau


Tracking Rates of Postfire Conifer Regeneration vs. Deciduous Vegetation Recovery Across the Western United States, Melanie K. Vanderhoof, Todd J. Hawbaker, Andrea Ku, Kyle Merriam, Erin Berryman, and Megan Cattau


Improving Inferences About Private Land Conservation by Accounting for Incomplete Reporting, Matthew A. Williamson, Brett G. Dickson, Mevin B. Hooten, Rose A. Graves, Mark N. Lubell, and Mark W. Schwartz

Submissions from 2020


Road Development in Asia: Assessing the Range-Wide Risks to Tigers, Neil Carter, Alexander Killion, Tara Easter, Jodi Brandt, and Adam Ford


Fire as a Fundamental Ecological Process: Research Advances and Frontiers, Megan Cattau


Anthropogenic and Lightning‐Started Fires are Becoming Larger and More Frequent Over a Longer Season Length in the U.S.A., Megan E. Cattau, Carol Wessman, Adam Mahood, and Jennifer K. Balch


Impacts of Climate Change on Flowering Phenology and Production in Alpine Plants: The Importance of End of Flowering, Tsechoe Dorji, Kelly A. Hopping, Fandong Meng, Shiping Wang, Lili Jiang, and Julia A. Klein


Socio-Hydrology: An Interplay of Design and Self-Organization in a Multilevel World, Vicken Hillis


Unlikely Alliances and Their Implications for Resource Management in the American West, Vicken Hillis, Kate A. Berry, Briana Swette, Clare Aslan, Sheila Barry, and Lauren M. Porensky


A Systematic Review of Participatory Scenario Planning to Envision Mountain Social-Ecological Systems Futures, Kelly A. Hopping


Plants with Lengthened Phenophases Increase Their Dominance Under Warming in an Alpine Plant Community, Kelly A. Hopping


Identifying Emergent Agent Types and Effective Practices for Portability, Scalability, and Intercomparison in Water Resource Agent-Based Models, Kendra E. Kaiser, Alejandro N. Flores, and Vicken Hillis


Integrating National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Airborne Remote Sensing and In-Situ Data for Optimal Tree Species Classification, Victoria M. Scholl, Megan E. Cattau, Maxwell B. Joseph, and Jennifer K. Balch


Incorporating Wildlife Connectivity into Forest Plan Revision Under the United States Forest Service's 2012 Planning Rule, Matthew A. Williamson, Tyler G. Creech, Gunnar Carnwath, Beverly Dixon, and Virginia Kelly


Fire, Livestock Grazing, Topography, and Precipitation Affect Occurrence and Prevalence of Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) in the Central Great Basin, USA, Matthew A. Williamson, Erica Fleishman, Ralph C. Mac Nally, Jeanne C. Chambers, Bethany A. Bradley, David S. Dobkin, David I. Board, Frank A. Fogarty, Ned Horning, Matthias Leu, and Martha Wohlfeil Zillig


Integrated Spatial Analysis for Human-Wildlife Coexistence in the American West, Matthew A. Williamson and Abigail Sage

Submissions from 2019


The Ethics of Eliminating Harmful Species: The Case of the Tsetse Fly, Jérémy Bouyer, Neil H. Carter, Chelsea Batavia, and Michael Paul Nelson


Effects of Ecotourism on Forest Loss in the Himalayan Biodiversity Hotspot Based on Counterfactual Analyses, Jodi S. Brandt, Volker Radeloff, Terri Allendorf, Van Butsic, and Anand Roopsind


The American West as a Social-Ecological Region: Drivers, Dynamics and Implications for Nested Social-Ecological Systems, Jodi Brandt and Matthew A. Williamson


Governing Trade-Offs in Ecosystem Services and Disservices to Achieve Human–Wildlife Coexistence, Silvia Ceauşu, Rose A. Graves, Alexander K. Killion, Jens‐Christian Svenning, and Neil H. Carter


Bringing Forecasting into the Future: Using Google to Predict Visitation in U.S. National Parks, Matt Clark, Emily J. Wilkins, Dani T. Dagan, Robert Powell, Ryan L. Sharp, and Vicken Hillis


Designing Studies of Predation Risk for Improved Inference in Carnivore-Ungulate Systems, Mark A. Ditmer


Opportunities for Biodiversity Conservation Outside of Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique: A Multispecies Approach, Tara Easter, Paoloa Bouley, and Neil Carter


Effects of Bird Community Dynamics on the Seasonal Distribution of Cultural Ecosystem Services, Rose A. Graves, Scott M. Pearson, and Monica G. Turner


Quantifying the Contribution of Conservation Easements to Large-Landscape Conservation, Rose A. Graves, Matthew A. Williamson, R. Travis Belote, and Jodi S. Brandt


An Integrated Community and Ecosystem-Based Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction in Mountain Systems, Kelly A. Hopping


Implications of Urban Growth and Farmland Loss for Ecosystem Services in the Western United States, Jenna Narducci, Cristina Quintas-Soriano, Antonio Castro, Rebecca Som-Castellano, and Jodi S. Brandt


Tibetan Lake Expansion from a Pastoral Perspective: Local Observations and Coping Strategies for a Changing Environment, Yonten Nyima and Kelly A. Hopping


Evidence That a National REDD+ Program Reduces Tree Cover Loss and Carbon Emissions in a High Forest Cover, Low Deforestation Country, Anand Roopsind, Brent Sohngen, and Jodi Brandt

Submissions from 2018


Managing Ecological Disturbances: Learning and the Structure of Social-Ecological Networks, J. A. Baggio and V. Hillis


Post-War Recovery of African Lion in Response to Large-Scale Ecosystem Restoration, Paola Bouley, Michael Poulos, Rui Branco, and Neil H. Carter


Applying Place-Based Social-Ecological Research to Address Water Scarcity: Insights for Future Research, Jodi Brandt


A Global Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence of Ecotourism Impacts on Forests in Biodiversity Hotspots, Jodi S. Brandt and Ralf C. Buckley


Deforestation and Timber Production in Congo After Implementation of Sustainable Management Policy: A Response to Karsenty et al. (2017), Jodi S. Brandt, Christoph Nolte, and Arun Agrawal


Achieving the Promise of Integration in Social-Ecological Research: A Review and Prospectus, Neil Carter


Climate Change, Disease Range Shifts, and the Future of the Africa Lion, Neil H. Carter, Paola Bouley, Sean Moore, Michael Poulos, Jérémy Bouyer, and Stuart L. Pimm


Grazing and Spring Snow Counteract the Effects of Warming on an Alpine Plant Community in Tibet Through Effects on the Dominant Species, Tsechoe Dorji, Kelly A. Hopping, Shiping Wang, Shilong Piao, Tenzin Tarchen, and Julia A. Klein


Adaptive Groundwater Governance and the Challenges of Policy Implementation in Idaho’s Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer Region, Margaret V. du Bray, Morey Burnham, Katrina Running, and Vicken Hillis


Climate Change, Cattle, and the Challenge of Sustainability in a Telecoupled System in Africa, Tara S. Easter, Alexander K. Killion, and Neil H. Carter


The Influence of Human Disturbance on Wildlife Nocturnality, Kaitlyn M. Gaynor, Cheryl E. Hojnowski, Neil H. Carter, and Justin S. Brashares


Sustainability Partnerships and Viticulture Management in California, Vicken Hillis, Mark Lubell, and Matthew Hoffman


Conservation Professionals Agree on Challenges to Coexisting with Large Carnivores but Not on Solutions, Michelle L. Lute, Neil H. Carter, José V. López-Bao, and John D.C. Linnell


Evaluation of Three Forest-Based Bioenergy Development Strategies in the Inland Northwest, United States, Jill Moroney


The Contribution of Predators and Scavengers to Human Well-Being, Christopher J. O’Bryan, Alexander R. Braczkowski, Hawthorne L. Beyer, Neil H. Carter, James E.M. Watson, and Eve McDonald-Madden


Helping Farmers and Reducing Car Crashes: The Surprising Benefits of Predators, Christopher O'Bryan, Eve McDonald-Madden, James Watson, and Neil Carter


Social-Ecological Systems Influence Ecosystem Service Perception: A Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) Analysis, Cristina Quintas-Soriano, Jodi S. Brandt, Katrina Running, Colden V. Baxter, Dainee M. Gibson, Jenna Narducci, and Antonio J. Castro


Modeling How Land Use Legacy Affects the Provision of Ecosystem Services in Mediterranean Southern Spain, Juan Miguel Requena-Mullor, Cristina Quintas-Soriano, Jodi Brandt, Javier Cabello, and Antonio J. Castro


Climate Change and Curtailment: Evaluating Water Management Practices in the Context of Changing Runoff Regimes in a Snowmelt-Dominated Basin, Amy L. Steimke, Bangshuai Han, Jodi S. Brandt, and Alejandro N. Flores

Submissions from 2017


Effects of National Forest-Management Regimes on Unprotected Forests of the Himalaya, Jodi S. Brandt, Teri Allendorf, Volker Radeloff, and Jeremy Brooks


A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Illegal Killing of Large Carnivores, Neil H. Carter


Modernization, Risk, and Conservation of the World's Largest Carnivores, Neil H. Carter


Adoption as a Social Marker: Innovation Diffusion with Outgroup Aversion, Paul E. Smaldino, Marco A. Janssen, Vicken Hillis, and Jenna Bednar


A Looming Tragedy of the Sand Commons, Aurora Torres, Jodi Brandt, Kristen Lear, and Jianguo Liu


The World is Facing a Global Sand Crisis, Aurora Torres, Jianguo "Jack" Liu, Jodi Brandt, and Kristen Lear

Submissions from 2016


Success Biased Imitation Increases the Probability of Effectively Dealing with Ecological Disturbances, Jacopo A. Baggio and Vicken Hillis


Deforestation and Timber Production in Congo After Implementation of Sustainable Forest Management Policy, Jodi S. Brandt, Christoph Nolte, and Arun Agrawal


Gendered Perceptions of Tigers in Chitwan National Park, Nepal, Neil H. Carter and Teri D. Allendorf


Co-Adaptation Is Key to Coexisting with Large Carnivores, Neil H. Carter and John D.C. Linnell


Mainstreaming Coexistence with Wildlife: Reply to Gallagher, Neil H. Carter and John D.C. Linnell


Toward Human-Carnivore Coexistence: Understanding Tolerance for Tigers in Bangladesh, Chloe Inskip, Neil Carter, Shawn Riley, Thomas Roberts, and Douglas MacMillan

Submissions from 2015


Modeling Tiger Population and Territory Dynamics Using an Agent-Based Approach, Neil Carter, Simon Levin, Adam Barlow, and Volker Grimm