Title of Submission
Applying Cloud Based Computing and Emerging Remote Sensing Technologies to Inform Vegetation Management Decisions
Degree Program
Geoscience, MS
Major Advisor Name
Nancy Glenn
Type of Submission
Scholarly Poster
The semi-arid ecosystem of the great basin range is vulnerable to an increasing fire cycle due to invasive species such as cheatgrass. Emerging remote sensing platforms (Sentinel-2 and UAV imagery), when combined with cloud-based computing (Google Earth Engine), can be used to create high-resolution maps of dominant species over regional areas of land. Since the process is cloud-based it allows for large amounts of data to be computed in minimal time. Once created, vegetation maps can be used to identify potential areas that are at-risk of disturbance or invasive species and inform land management decisions.
Funding Information
Mountain Home Air Force Base, Cooperative Agreement Number: W9128F-17-2-0025