Online Misinformation: From the Deceiver to the Victim
Presentation Date
Degree Program
Computer Science, MS
Major Advisor Name
Francesca Spezzano
Type of Submission
Scholarly Poster
Social media, e-commerce are vulnerable to content deception, i.e. the deliberate act intended to mislead by falsifying information. Our research: studying the actors responsible for misinformation spread and quantifying the impact on potential victims in those platforms show that fraudulent reviews do not affect the quality of recommendations equally among all the users (26.6% benign users in yelp), there is a correlation between fake news publisher bias and its credibility and it is not necessary to read the content of news to asses its veracity, rather other time-efficient modalities are equally effective (AUROC 0.79 vs. 0.83).
Funding Information
Boise State University