2018 Graduate Student Showcase

Degree Program

Curriculum, Instruction and Foundational Studies, MS

Major Advisor Name

Carl Siebert

Type of Submission

Scholarly Poster


College can be an anxious time for young people who suddenly find themselves immersed in complex adult responsibilities and social interactions. The heightened self-consciousness that accompanies this transition can result in lowered self-esteem. Our study explores how universities in the Northwestern U.S. provide resources to ameliorate low student self-esteem. In addition, we analyzed data from 800+ completed student questionnaires to explore self-esteem levels and potential group differences (e.g., major, status, gender, etc.) at one Northwestern university. Our study shows the potential prevalence of self-esteem issues on campuses, and the importance to offer students health/wellness information and its available resources.

Funding Information

This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant no. 6PRJ000899, 6PRJ000914.

overocker_jennilee_trending_handout.pdf (615 kB)
Presentation handout
