"Variability of Pennsylvanian-Permian Carbonate Associations and Implic" by K. D. Zubin-Stathopoulos, B. Beauchamp et al.

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Different stages of Pennsylvanian-Permian carbonate sedimentation in east-central British Columbia record a complex history of changing environments influenced by evolving palaeogeography and climate. Newly recognized tectonically controlled features affected the distribution and variability of carbonate associations, providing new interpretations for this portion of the west coast of Pangea. Both a heterozoan (cool water) and photozoan (warm-water) association were identified on either side of a palaeogeographic high here informally termed “Tipinahokan Peninsula”. Cool water carbonates were located outboard, or to the west of this high, an area influenced by upwelling waters. Inboard of this high, a warm, protected sea developed, here termed “Kisosowin Sea”. This configuration and palaeolatitude is similar to that of Baja California, Mexico and the Sea of Cortéz, providing a good modern analog for these deposits where warm water carbonates grow at latitudes otherwise dominated by cool water deposits. The warm sea provided a place for a photozoan association to develop during the Permian when the low latitude NW coast of Pangea was dominated by cool water carbonates.

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This is an author-produced, peer-reviewed version of this article. The final, definitive version of this document can be found online at Geological Society, London, Special Publications, published by Geological Society (UK). Copyright restrictions may apply. DOI: 10.1144/SP376.1
