"Spatial Indexing for System-Level Evaluation of 5G Heterogeneous Cellu" by Roohollah Amiri, Eren Balevi et al.

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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System level simulations of large 5G networks are essential to evaluate and design algorithms related to network issues such as scheduling, mobility management, interference management, and cell planning. In this paper, we look back to the idea of spatial indexing and its advantages, applications, and future potentials in accelerating large 5G network simulations. We introduce a multi-level inheritance based architecture which is used to index all elements of a heterogeneous network (HetNet) on a single geometry tree. Then, we define spatial queries to accelerate searches in distance, azimuth, and elevation. We demonstrate that spatial indexing can accelerate location-based searches by 3 orders of magnitude. Further, the proposed design is implemented as an open source platform freely available to all.

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