"Real World Ultrasonic Signals and Their Application in Teaching Signal" by Thad B. Welch, Cameron H.G. Wright et al.

Real World Ultrasonic Signals and Their Application in Teaching Signal Processing

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



In our never-ending quest to find ways to interest and motivate our students, we have recently found something new for our "bag of teaching tricks." Ultrasonic signals present a unique andragogical opportunity in any course where signal processing theory and techniques are taught. The authors have recorded (or obtained) a number of naturally occurring ultrasonic signals (e.g., bat echolocation sounds and dolphin whistles) as well as artificially generated ultrasonic signals (e.g., output from a dog whistle and signals from a device from ThinkGeek called an Annoy-a-tron). This paper discusses how these signals can be effectively used to teach, demonstrate, and reinforce the concepts of time dilation/compression, frequency translation, spectral analysis/estimation, and aliasing.

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