Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2022

Date of Final Presentation


Committee Chair

Cara Gallegos, PhD, RN

Committee Member

Pam Strohfus, DNP, RN

Coordinator/ Chair of DNP Program

Pam Gehrke, EdD, RN

Abstract/ Executive Summary

Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STI) are a global issue that persist, causing significant negative health outcomes like cancer, adverse reproductive issues including infertility, and death (CDC, 2019a; Office of Women’s Health [OWH], 2019; WHO, 2019). In the United States, youth ages 15-24 years old make up 50% of the more than 20 million newly diagnosed STI’s each year (CDC, 2019a). Young women, adolescents (Slater & Robinson, 2014), minority populations (Mermelstein & Plax, 2016), and high school dropouts (Anderson & Pörtner, 2014) are even more disproportionately affected. Access to comprehensive health information and vaccines are well documented effective STI prevention methods (CDC, 2019; Keller, 2020; WHO, 2016). Project Design: In the absence of mandated sexual health education programs for youth in Texas public schools, one faith-based institution sponsored an evidence-based summer education workshop to increase knowledge about STI’s and support their prevention. A PICO question guided the literature review. The project used a pre and post-test questionnaire for qualitative and descriptive statistics. Results: The data demonstrated an increase in knowledge about STI’s among a small cohort (n=4) of young women ages ranging from 18 to 24. A positive attitude toward HPV vaccination preceded education. All participants reported a decreased likelihood to participate in unprotected sex. Conclusions: The findings reinforce literature findings for comprehensive sexual health education, small group learning, and evidence-based and community programming improves STI knowledge.

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DNP Project Poster for APR22 GSS

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3min DNP Project Report
