"A Sustainable Model for High-School Teacher Preparation in Computer Sc" by Alark Joshi, Amit Jain et al.

A Sustainable Model for High-School Teacher Preparation in Computer Science

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



In this Research to Practice paper, we present a sustainable model for teaching training in Computer Science. To address issues related to self-efficacy and teacher preparation, we started a formal program (IDoCode) that not only provides teacher training through the academic year, but also provides teachers the opportunity to obtain a Masters in STEM Education degree or a Graduate Certificate in Computer Science Teacher Endorsement.

Through our program, we have shown that teachers feel more confident in their ability to teach computer science courses such as Exploring CS, AP CS Principles, and the Java-based AP CS A, as well as leading the students in a capstone project. In this paper, we present a sustainable approach to make a cultural change in the landscape of Computer Science education in the state of Idaho. We discuss various factors including working with the State Board of Education, local software companies, the university, and other invested partners to help CS courses in high school count towards graduation. We have also been active with respect to community engagement by organizing an annual meeting with counselors and principals to encourage women and minorities to take computer science courses and conducting summer professional development workshops for new teachers.
