"He Versus She: A Gender Specific Analysis of Legal and Extralegal Effe" by Jeremy Ball and Lisa Growette Bostaph

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The current study seeks to identify significant predictors of pretrial processing for both male and female defendants in an aggregate sample. The data used in this study is taken from the State Court Processing Statistics (SCPS), 1990-2000: Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties (Bureau of Justice Statistics 2004). The original sample included a total of 87,437 felony cases. The relationship between relevant independent variables and five separate dependent variables (denial of bail, non-financial release, amount of bail set, making bail, and pretrial incarceration) were analyzed using both multivariate regression and Z-score comparisons within gender-specific models. Findings suggest that effects of certain independent variables on pretrial release decisions and outcomes are different between the gender-specific models.

Copyright Statement

This is a preprint of an article whose final and definitive form has been published in the Women & Criminal Justice © 2009 Taylor & Francis. Women & Criminal Justice is available online at http://www.informaworld.com. DOI: 10.1080/08974450902791286

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