"Crazy by Design: A Biosocial Approach to the Age-Crime Curve" by Anthony Walsh

Crazy by Design: A Biosocial Approach to the Age-Crime Curve

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Contribution to Books

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The sudden upsurge in antisocial behavior that occurs among children entering the second decade of their lives has long been a source of sorrow and consternation among parents and of puzzlement and debate among those who philosophize about such matters. Four hundred years before the birth of Christ, Plato and Aristotle were condemning the impulsive and obnoxious behavior of Athenian teens, and fast forwarding to Elizabethan England, William Shakespeare wrote in The Winter's Tale: "I would there be no age between ten and three-and-twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest: for there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting" (Act III, Scene III).

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