"Peru Telemedicine Website Development Project" by Jose Garcia, Tanveer Morshed et al.

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Uwe Reischl, Rob Anson


Physicians working in rural communities of Peru find themselves removed from many of the resources commonly available to physicians in urban environments. The rural physicians are often limited in their ability to communicate with colleagues and other healthcare providers regarding professional matters. To improve patient care, a new user-friendly, Internet-based communication platform is needed to allow these doctors to better communicate with other rural physicians and with specialists located in urban medical centers. Our project focused on the design, development, testing of a website that will allow rural doctors in Peru to post diagnostic questions and related information on a website that can be accessed by selected medical specialists. It is anticipated that the website will be accessed multiple times a day and at random time intervals. Under optimistic estimates of usage in the first 3-5 years, the website will need to handle a minimum of fifteen users at one time. Storage requirements will accommodate between five hundred gigabytes to one terabyte of data, including photos, x-ray radiographs and other types of files. The presentation will provide an overview of the design and use of this internet based telemedicine platform.
