"Blue and Orange Lunch Line" by Donald Riger

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Tom Gattiker


The fall 2013 section of Supply Chain Management 420-Creating Sustainable Goods and Services, taught by Dr. Tom Gattiker, completed a group project using the Green Breakthrough process which is based on Design Thinking. The assignment for this portion of the course was a written proposal for a product or service that:

– Is highly innovative, not incremental

– Meets a customer (e.g. student, faculty) need

– Has a significant environmental benefit

– Related to the BSU / our campus

– Customer facing

– Could be implemented at BSU (or nearby) within one year

I was a member of team 2 along with Roger Perez, Andrew Johnson, and Richard Travis. Our group proposed a lunch time shuttle service that customers could use to get to and from local restaurants. This innovation would provide access to a variety of food and beverage choices while reducing traffic, air and noise pollution around campus. Service hours would be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The service would require three contracted shuttles. Two shuttles would carry patrons north and south on Broadway Avenue, making a round trip every 30 minutes. The third shuttle would circle campus, making stops on University Dr. and Cesar Chavez Lane every 15 minutes.
