Martín Gamboa


Martín Gamboa is Assistant Professor of Tourism Anthropology in the Department of Tourism, History and Communication at Universidad de la República, Uruguay. His current research focuses on tourism anthropology and new approaches in Basque studies. The fields of research deal with the cultural heritage of Basques as tourist attraction, the Basque in visual arts and Uruguayan literature, and the history of Basque restaurants in Uruguay. He is also the designer of The Uruguayan Basque Toponymy Map Project. Additionally, he has collaborated in several publications and projects of the Basque Diaspora in Uruguay, such as Reminiscencias vascas [“Basque memories”], Juanena, M. C. & Soto Zudaire, A. (Eds.), Montevideo, Tradinco Editora, 2018. His last article published was: “El legado cultural de la inmigración vasca en Uruguay”, Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía, N° 45, 2021, pp. 67-86.


  • Ph.D. (Candidate) in Social Anthropology, IDAES/UNSAM, Argentina, 2022.
  • B.S. - Anthropology, Universidad de la República, 2006.