

Creation Date



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digital print


Dimensions: 23 x 16 inches

This piece is part of a larger work entitled Representation.

Artist Statement

Representation: The description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way or as being of a certain nature.

There are many ways in which a person is perceived, because everyone sees the people around them in a different light. If every person in your life were to make a representation of you, they would all be slightly different. This is considering not only a person’s physical representation, but also key factors of their personality. A prime example of conflicting representations among people in your life is your parental figure, and a close friend. Although you may be rather close with your guardian, because they nurture you, they automatically see you in a different light. Not only will these representations conflict with each other, they will most likely conflict with the way in which you would choose to represent yourself as well.

In this set of images, my goal was to explore representation of an individual: how they want to be perceived, what others might notice about them, what key factors of their personality shine through in an image. Each image displays one person, but each person contains overlapping representations of themselves. The individual images can be hard to make out within each print, this shows the idea of the several conflicting representations one person can have.


© Aspen Nichelle Dawn Sellers, 2019.

Exhibit Images

Series Title: Representation


identity, photography, portrait, vibrant colors