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video installation


Dimensions: 8 x 12 feet (overall)

This piece is part of a larger work entitled Pygmalion's Secret.

Artist Statement

Evolution of the physical realm happens at a much slower rate than most of us are able to perceive. Social evolution, however, happens so fast we often times don’t even recognize the change until it has taken place. I like to explore this social evolution, and the different catalyst that drive it’s constant flux. Pygmalion's Secret, presents fragmented narratives, in an illogical timeline, to mirror our increasingly shrinking attention span, and our lust for a new “story”. The viewer is bombarded with a strange yet sensual imagery. The clips featured range from a bicycle and car chase that is punctuated with short sound bytes from the thriller Carrie, and interrupted by the dreaded video loading icon, to a surreal dog petting scene, that all work to call attention to their own construction. The artificial nature of the space reflects the digital interface with which we increasingly experience the world, and the ways it is shaping the human psyche.


© Jeremy Kyle Shoemaker, 2018.

Exhibit Images


art video, new media, haptic, contemporary art, combined process, mixed media
