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digital illustration


Dimensions: 1200 x 1200 pixels

Artist Statement

We tell stories to impart lessons on our children and our peers. Unfortunately the stories can also be harmful. I’ve focused on three women centric myths that have negative influence on modern society, and have illustrated the key moments through digital painting. A central theme within the myths is that each of these women have an irresistible hunger when acted upon has severe consequences for mankind; suggesting women should ignore their survival needs for the betterment of society. I’ve exposed this concept by depicting the women as emaciated and attacking their food with desperation. Each myth has its own harmful aspects which I explore further.

Captive Spring is based on the Greek Myth in which the Goddess of spring, Persephone, is kidnapped, raped, and held in the underworld. Before being released she unknowingly eats three pomegranate seeds, forever linking her to the underworld where she must return to live with her attacker. Here she is weeping, surrounded by the loss of her previous life and burden by her new role. She is blamed for her demise, a common occurrence among assault victims of all genders.


© Amy Nicole Hildebrandt, 2017.


religion, mythology, feminism, abuse, assault, painting
