Effective Use of Creativity and Innovation
How can organizations use creativity and innovation to boost performance? In this podcast, Dr. Napier shares insight gained from her research into that question. Her book, The Creative Discipline (2008) examines diverse organizations – from theater to software to football – to identify common creativity characteristics, while Insight (2010) shows how to encourage aha moments, which help speed learning and problem solving. The high performing, highly creative organizations studied in this research are called “The Gang.” Members range from the Boise State football program, to Trey McIntyre dance group, to health information provider Healthwise, and the Ada County Sheriff’s office. This podcast covers six important “Gang Rules”, which are crucial elements for organizations looking to incorporate creativity and innovation in their operations. The rules will also appear in a book that Dr. Napier is currently writing in conjunction with the other members of the gang.
More Information About the Researcher
Dr. Napier is a Professor of Strategy and Executive Director of the Centre for Creativity and Innovation in the College of Business and Economics at Boise State University.
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Rights Information
This material is copyrighted by Boise State University.
Recommended Citation
Napier, Nancy, "Effective Use of Creativity and Innovation" (2012). Beyond the Blue Podcasts. 25.