Understanding Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities are common among U.S. children, affecting about 1 in 10 children nationally. They manifest in many different ways – some children experience difficulties with reading called dyslexia, some with math called dyscalculia, some with writing called dysgraphia, and others with nonverbal learning disabilities. Many learning disabilities can be treated by providing early intervention in the area of concern, but quick action is required in order to avoid risking that students’ learning difficulties becoming intractable. In this podcast, Johnson discusses learning disabilities, the challenges in diagnosis, and effective intervention strategies.
More Information About the Researcher
Dr. Johnson is an associate professor of Special Education and executive director of Lee Pesky Learning Center.
Podcast Date
Podcast Duration
Disability and Equity in Education
Rights Information
This material is copyrighted by Boise State University.
Recommended Citation
Johnson, Evelyn, "Understanding Learning Disabilities" (2011). Beyond the Blue Podcasts. 16.