Spatial Reasoning and the Mathematical Mind
Most people believe that mathematics is numbers, symbols, and notations. In this podcast, Brendefur explains that mathematics is also about spatial reasoning – the ability to visually manipulate stimuli, to break apart and put together 2-D and 3-D shapes, to take these ideas and twist and turn them or to not be confused when an object’s orientation changes. This ability is one of the best predictors of later success in mathematics, and can be learned through a variety of different methods and practices. It also helps people develop fluency with operations in arithmetic and strengthens measurement concepts.
More Information About the Researcher
Dr. Jonathan Brendefur is professor of Mathematics Education at Boise State University.
Podcast Date
Podcast Duration
Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Rights Information
This material is copyrighted by Boise State University.
Recommended Citation
Brendefur, Jonathan, "Spatial Reasoning and the Mathematical Mind" (2011). Beyond the Blue Podcasts. 14.