"Diego Velázquez and King Philip IV of Spain: A Shared Love for the Art" by Kristina Gray

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Janice Neri


This research looks to understand both the professional and personal relationships between Spanish Baroque painter Diego Velázquez and King Philip IV of Spain. In the Baroque era, the post of a court painter was a high-ranking, sought after position within aristocratic society, but the relationship between both king and painter was expected to be strictly professional. However, the friendship that Philip extended towards Velázquez through court appointments, further training, and high esteem within daily life at court seems to be the exception to the rule. This analysis looks to prove that the relationship between baroque artist Diego Velázquez and King Philip IV of Spain challenges what we already know about the sovereign-subject relations in the Baroque era. By way of looking at two to five pieces, within the royal inventory during that period, that illustrate Velázquez’ and Philip’s shared love of the arts and the artist’s influence on political decisions that the Philip made during 17th century Spain.
