College of Arts and Sciences Poster Presentations | 2013 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference | Boise State University


Submissions from 2013

A Comparison of Antioxidant Capacity among Fruit, Chocolate, and Sagebrush, Ilona Csik and Louisa Serpe

Allozyme Diversity in Populations of Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) from Central Asia: Evidence for Founder Effects in Native Populations at the Edge of the Species’ Geographic Distribution, Eli Frazier

A Proteomic Approach to Assessment of Bacterial MTN as an Antibiotic Target , Meagan Boll

Block Ciphers: Design and Security, Austin Hurd

Boise State Students Encounter Writing: Using Google Maps to Digitally (Re)Present Discourse Communities in English 101, Daniel Hansen, Jamie Garner, Lindsey Kidwell, Tessa McReynolds, Salama Muzaliwa, Jake O'Reilly, and Matt Reyburn

Bromus tectorum Litter Alters Photosynthetic Characteristics of Biological Soil Crusts from Sagebrush Steppes, Eric Roberts

Characterization of a Photoswitchable Spiropyran Surface in Potassium Chloride Solution by Interfacial Force Microscopy and Atomic Force Microsocpy, Lynn Ann Hoppert and Jeehae Lee

Characterization of ArtAB from Salmonella enterica Typhimurium DT104, Emily Price, Sarah Jordan, and Brad Morris

Characterizing Pluripotency of Primary Cells Derived from Elasmoid Scales of Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Kenneth Weekes


Chemical Warfare Agents in Plants: Biodefensive Terpenes from Sagebrush, Belinda Stierman

Comparing the Relative Effects of Year, Seasonality, Territory, and Individual on American Kestrel Carotenoid Concentrations / , Elizabeth Sassani


Comprehensible Output and the Effects of Music and Movement in Spanish Language Acquisition, Tricia Pinkert-Branner

Creating a More Efficient Algorithm for Computing Generalized Least Squares Solution, William Negri

Cyclopamine Concentration from Extraction as a Function of pH, Petr Malek

Daniel F. Myers - A Friend to China, Elizabeth Macinata

Determining the Mechanism of Action of MTN-specific Inhibitors by Analyzing Metabolites Using LC/MS, Tara MacCulloch, Veronica Hollingshead, and Catherine Jambora

Development of a New Experiment Demonstrating Categorical Perception, Kelsey Montzka

Effects of Chip-Firing Games on Penrose Tilings, Nicholas Walker

Effects of Teriparatide in Bone Cells, Nic Baughman, Travis Baker, Kellen Mather, Jim Pelton, Dan Lambert, Landon Nye, and Tara Smith

Efficiency and Effectiveness in Asynchronous Distance Tutoring in the Writing Center, Max Badesheim

Electrochemical Oxidation of Americium, Brittany Carr

Fitting Classification to Match Evolution: A Case of Molecular Systematics in the Plant Genus Columnea (Gesneriaceae)., Carly Prior, James F. Smith, Maggie Ooi, John L. Clark, and Marisol Amaya M

Functionalized Liposomes for Tumor Targeting as Advanced Tools for Cancer Therapy, Wylie Foss, Sheenah Bryant, and Steve Rossland

Gel Separation Technique for Trace Metal Analysis, Michael Stirewalt II

Genetic and Morphological Variation in Populations of Taeniatherum caput-medusae (medusahead) from the Vicinity of Yakima, Washington: Evidence for the Cryptic Invasion of a Second Subspecies of Medusahead in the Western United States, Karilyn Bradwisch

Genetic Variation of a Local American Kestrel Population, Jade Weeks, Alexandra M. Anderson, Julie A. Heath, Stephen J. Novak, and James F. Smith

Geochronology in the Exshaw Formation: correlation with the Hangenberg extinction event. , Susan Bundy and Josh Ekhoff

Heritability of Tail Coloration in Male American Kestrels, Emmy Tyrrell

Identification and Structure Elucidation of Cyclopamine Degradation, Jared Mattos

Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Collagen XIa1 on Skeletal Morphogenesis, Elizabeth Stewart

Improving Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production: Analysis of Thin Film Bismuth Vanadate Using Raman Spectroscopy, Dan Hillsberry

Inhibitory Effects of Novel Immucillin Analogues on Borrelia burgdorferi Bgp Nucleosidase, Christian Guerrero

Linguistic Features of Kibembe, Ron Hurrle, Max Badesheim III, Victoria Del Toro, Brianne Gardner, Heather Harrington, Hallie Heath, Kelli Jones, Kelsey Montzka, Jordan Pierce, Veronica Roberts, Dustin Svoboda, Savannah Wilson, and Danielle Yarbrough

Measuring Wind-Blown Sediments in the Boise Foothills, Phill Hummer

Metal-oxide Nanoparticles Affect the Functionality of Voltage Gated Channels, Steven Rossland, Sheenah Bryant, Wylie Foss, Jordan Chess, Josh Eixenberger, Andrew Lajoie, and Katie Rainey

Micronuclear Decryption Operations in Ciliates, Erik Holmes

Molecular Crowding Affects the Functionality of Voltage-gated Channels, Sheenah Bryant, Steve Rossland, Ana Uribe, Wylie Foss, Daniel Fologea, and Charles Hanna

Molecular Phylogenetics of the Asiatic Genus Primulina (Gesneriaceae)., Jadiel Rodriguez

Mycorrhizal Colonization and Community Composition in Shallow and Deep Roots of Wyoming Big Sagebrush Seedlings, Eric Roberts

Non-Polar Electrical Field Flow Fractionation, Chris VanDerhoff

Non Polar Electrical Field Flow Fractionation (Np-EFFF), Katherine Thornock, Chris Vanderhoff, and Michael Stirewalt

Non-Polar Electrical Field Flow Fractionation (Np-EFFF), Mayra Estrada, Katherine Thornock, and Chris Vanderhoff

Optical Fiber Glass Tip for Cantilever Based Optical Interfacial Force Microscope in Liquid, Steven Heydendahl, Ryan Boehm, Jonathan Walsh, and Byung Kim

Optimization for Culturing Primary Articular Chondrocytes, Travis Baker

Phylogenentic Reconstruction of Paramoebidium, the Largest Genus of the Amoebidiales, Dustin Heeney

Phylogenetic Placement of the Arthropod Endosymbiont Paramoebidium, the Largest Genus of the Amoebidiales, Dustin Heeney, Nicole Reynolds, and Eric Tretter

Prime Numbers and the Convergents of a Continued Fraction, Cahlen Humphreys

Quantifying Pedogenic Carbon Content in the Boise River Terraces and Assigning Rates to Potential Irrigation Carbon Fluxes in Southwestern Idaho using Pressurized Calcimetry, Jimmy Guilinger and Dawn Jarrels

Raman Spectroscopy of Strained Epitaxial Bismuth Ferrite Films, Jeff Romero, Andrew Farrar, and Trevor Engman

Rock into Movement, Hayley Noble

Rosas Tímidas, Kelly Saunders

Seismic Investigation of the Neal Hot Springs Geothermal Area, Daniel Shaltry, Clinton Colwell, Lee M. Liberty, and Kasper vanWijk

Snow Melt Dynamics and Properties, Jacob Robertson

Speaking Up: The Resurgence of the Catalan Language Through Bilingual Education, Scott Watford

Staphylococcus aureus-Cholera Toxin Fusions as Novel Vaccines to Prevent Bovine Mastitis, Shandra Jeffries, Steven Jordan, and Eric Zinn

Stomaching Toxic Guts: An Avian Herbivore Strategy for Limiting Exposure to Plant Secondary Metabolites, Brecken Robb

Study to determine if human serotonin transporter mutants associated with autism induce conformational changes., Iva Stojkovska


Synthesis and Functionalization of Small Silver Nanoparticles, Chris Menter, Jeunghoon Lee, Sarah Rhen, Elton Graugnard, Bernard Yurke, William Knowlton, Will Hughes, and Wan Kuang

“That Infinite Fraternity of Feeling”: The Melville-Hawthorne Friendship, Connie Townley, Brent Becker, and Stephanie Couey

The Funny Thing Is: Sherman Alexie's Comedy and the Greater Ethical Imperative , Monica Brown

The Importance of Learning a Second Language, Katherine Bjornson

The Role of Integrins in the Regulation of Angiogenesis by the Notch Signalling Pathway in Endothelial Cells, Peter DeFord and Katherine Westover

Trace Element Chemistry in Zircon: Testing the Inverted Magma Chamber Model of the Picture Gorge Ignimbrite, Amanda Laib


Trail Mapping from Space: New Recreation Mapping at Bogus Basin Ski Area, Jenna Duffin, Cherilyn Blender, Dondi Black, Chrissy Weiser, Remington Buyer, Rick Raymondi, Bruce Slice, Alisha Pena, Jim Edgemon, Brian Himes, Steve Rogers, Patrick Watsons, and Dave Wofford

Transcribing and Translating the Book of Ezechiel form the Historia Scholastica, Steven Humiston

Writing for the Future, Justin Grover


我爸爸,中国的朋友 / My Father, a Friend to China, Elizabeth Myers Macinata, Josephine B. Howe, and Erik van Ingen Schenau