Department of Art Faculty Publications and Presentations | Department of Art, Design & Visual Studies | Boise State University


Submissions from 2024


“No Matter How Hot It is, You Just Have to Do the Work”: Examining Farmworkers’ Experiences with Heat and Climate Change in Idaho, Carly Hyland, Delmy Flores, Grace Augusto, Irene Ruiz, Marielena Vega, and Rulon Wood

Submissions from 2023


Identifying Plan Perceptions: Higher Education Institutions as Arts and Cultural Anchors, Amanda Ashley, Carolyn G. Loh, Leslie Durham, Rose Kim, and Karen Bubb


ACorporation, Inc.: Corporate Form as Art Project and Advocacy, Chad Erpelding, Ruth Jebe, and Jeff Lingwall


Locating the Material: Prussian Carved Ambers, Place Ambiguity and a New Geography of Central European Art, Tomasz Grusiecki

Transcultural Things and the Spectre of Orientalism in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania, Tomasz Grusiecki


Municipal Arts and Cultural Plans: Implementation and Impact, Carolyn G. Loh, Amanda Ashley, Leslie Durham, and Aaron Williams

Submissions from 2022


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practices in Arts and Cultural Planning, Amanda J. Ashley, Carolyn G. Loh, Karen Bubb, and Leslie Durham

Aesthetic Practices and Spatial Configurations: Historical and Transregional Perspectives, Hannah Baader, Martina Becker, and Niharika Dinkar


Our Diversity is Our Strength: Explaining Variation in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Emphasis in Municipal Arts and Cultural Plans, Carolyn G. Loh, Amanda J. Ashley, Leslie Durham, and Karen Bubb

Submissions from 2021


"Our Best Machines Are Made of Sunlight": Photography and Technologies of Light, Niharika Dinkar


Pyrotechnics and Photography: Saltpeter and the Colonial History of Photographic Lighting, Niharika Dinkar


Seeing the Elephant: Animal Spectatorship and the Imperial Gaze in Colonial India, Niharika Dinkar

Books from 2019


Empire of Light: Vision, Visibility and Power in Colonial India, Niharika Dinkar


Michał Boym, the Sum Xu, and the Reappearing Image, Tomasz Grusiecki

Submissions from 2018


Mythologies of the Artist in Modern India: Cinema, Melodrama and Ravi Varma, Niharika Dinkar


Uprooting Origins: Polish-Lithuanian Art and the Challenge of Pluralism, Tomasz Grusiecki

Submissions from 2017


The "New Conquering Empire of Light and Reason": The Civilizing Mission of William Jones, Niharika Dinkar

The Golden Age of Boise Theatre: 1900-1920, Charles E. Lauterbach


Population Reduction and a Polis, Lee Ann Turner

Submissions from 2016


Arts-Based Educational Research as a Site for Emerging Pedagogy and Developing Mentorship, Anniina Suominen Guyas and Kathleen Keys

Comedian of the Frontier: The Life of Actor/Manager Jack Langrishe, 1825-1895, Margaret McCutcheon Lauterbach and Charles E. Lauterbach

Books from 2015

Imagery from the Bird's Home: The Art of Bill Carman, Bill Carman

Jolly Della Pringle: Star of the Western Stage, Charles E. Lauterbach

Submissions from 2014


Private Lives and Interior Spaces: Raja Ravi Varma's Scholar Paintings, Niharika Dinkar

Radical Theatrics: Put-ons, Politics, and the Sixties, Craig J. Peariso

Representing Black Power: Handling a "Revolution" in the Age of Mass Media, Craig J. Peariso

Books from 2013

Women's Voices on American Stages in the Early Twenty-First Century: Sarah Ruhl and Her Contemporaries, Leslie Atkins Durham

Pioneer Theatre in the Boise Basin: 1863-1899: Boise, Idaho Theatre from Gold Rush Days Through the Gilded Age, Charles E. Lauterbach


Styleless Style? What Photorealism Can Tell Us About “The Sixties”, Craig J. Peariso


Bitter Milking Art Education? (Re)orienting, (Re)deeming, (Re)claiming, (Re)presenting M(other)work in Art Education, Anniina Suominen Guyas, Linda Hoeptner Poling, and Kathleen Keys

Submissions from 2012

Traditional and Contemporary Bhutanese Thanka Paintings by Phurba Namgay, Kathleen Keys

The Mystery of the Silkworm: Conversations in the Reading Room and Beyond, Janice Neri and Danielle Skeehan

Mothering Curricula, Linda Hoeptner Poling, Anniina Suominen Guyas, and Kathleen Keys

From Caves to Cathedrals: Visual Arts in Ancient and Medieval Texts, Lee Ann Turner

Submissions from 2011

Cultivating Interiors: Philadelphia, China, and the Natural World, Janice Neri

The Insect and the Image: Visualizing Nature in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700, Janice Neri

Submissions from 2010


Masculine Regeneration and the Attenuated Body in the Early Works of Nandalal Bose, Niharika Dinkar


Mom Tested, Janice Neri

Books from 2009

Kavousi IIA, the Late Minoan IIIC Settlement at Vronda: The Buildings on the Summit, Leslie Preston Day, Nancy L. Klein, and Lee Ann Turner

Theatre Lives, Leslie Atkins Durham and Sally H. Shedd

Mrs. Delany's Natural History and Zoological Activities: "A Beautiful Mixture of Pretty Objects", Janice Neri

Jelly Fish Pendant Project, Anika Smulovitz

Submissions from 2008

Between Observation and Image: Representations of Insects in Robert Hooke's Micrographia, Janice Neri

John Taye: The Quiet Art of Drawing, John Taye, Kirsten Furlong, and Richard Young

Books from 2005

Staging Gertrude Stein: Absence, Culture, and the Landscape of American Alternative Theatre, Leslie Atkins Durham

Submissions from 1997

Ageing in American Comic Strips: 1972-1992, Heather Hanlon, Judy Farnsworth, and Judy Murray