

Euskadi-bulletinen, the only Basque-Swedish entry in the Swedish national library catalogue, was one of many left-wing bulletins published in Sweden during the mid-1970's. It supported “the Basque people's struggle for freedom and socialism” and could therefore also be seen in a wider perspective as one of many European journals published in solidarity with the Basque independence movement at the time. In this article, the three numbers of the bulletin are described and put in their historical context.

About the Author

Joakim Lilljegren is a librarian and translator between Nordic languages. He has a special interest in connections between the Nordic countries and the Basque Country, for example the Basque-influenced pidgin language documented in Icelandic glossaries from the 17th century, and the many pintxo bars that recently have popped up all over Scandinavia. He also has a great interest in mural art and runs the blog basquemurals.wordpress.com, where the Basque Country is described through its wall paintings.

M.A. Scandinavian Languages – University of Gothenburg, 2011.
B.S. Library and Information Science – University of Borås, 2011.
Linguistics – University of Iceland, 2007.


