Transcribing and Translating the Book of Ezechiel form the Historia Scholastica
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
Faculty Sponsor
Karen Wadley
Having previously worked on a group project that dealt with the transcription and translation of the Book of Ruth in the Boise State University's 15th century Latin incunabulum of Peter Comestor's Historia Scholastica, I am continuing the work with the Book of Ezechiel as it is found in the BSU incunabulum. This is the second installment in the Historia Scholastica Project, the goal of which is to produce an English translation of the 15th century text for use and study by students and faculty who lack the necessary Latin language skills. In the course of transcribing the Book of Ezechiel, I used David Heimann and Richard Kay's translation of Adriano Cappelli's The Elements of Abbreviation in Medieval Latin Paleography to create a working transcription. All transcriptions were compared to the current standard Latin transcription of the Historia Scholastica, the Patrologia Latina, volume 198 (PL198), by Adam Scottus. Working from my substantiated transcription, I translated the Medieval Latin into Modern Standard English, which was chosen to increase the flow and easy reading of the sometimes archaic text. I also noted all instances wherein PL198 and the BSU incunabulum differ and made vocabulary choices based on my own experience and knowledge as to which one is appropriate for Modern Standard English. To date, I have transcribed and translated 300 of the 360 lines in the Book of Ezechiel. The Historia Scholastica Project has been ongoing since August 2011. The completion date for the second installment is scheduled for early June, 2013.