Apr 20th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


The Development of a Power System Protection Lab at Boise State University

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Said Ahmed-Zaid


Power system protection is concerned with protecting electrical power systems from faults within the network by isolating the faulted components so as to leave as much of the remaining the electrical network operational as possible. Moreover, by properly protecting the system components from overloading, the probability of fires and other catastrophic and expensive system failures can be minimized. In understanding power protection, it is necessary to understand what is actually being protected. Providing superior protection is essential in mitigating the effects of disruptions on system stability. As such, it is essential for power engineers to understand the concepts and practices underlying power protection. The creation of a Power System Protection Lab at Boise State University gives students the opportunity to gain some real world experience in protection. Moreover, a lab of this type facilitates educational opportunities. It also provides numerous additional benefits such as research and industry cooperation. The overall objective of this project is to determine the design requirements and parameters for a Power System Protection lab at Boise State University. Some design considerations for the lab include cyber protection, power quality, and future interchangeability studies. Moreover, in the interest of efficiency and cost effectiveness, we avoided acquiring redundant or unnecessary equipment. We have provided a list of the equipment to establish the power protection lab along with sources and overall cost. The lab model includes the lab’soverall structure, testing software and equipment, and research capabilities.

