Apr 20th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Robotics: Robotic Arm

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Robert Hay


Robotic arms are extremely useful because they can carry out specific tasks with precision and efficiency. They come in many different sizes and can be used in areas such as clean room environments where they aid in the manufacturing process of semiconductors. A company known as Applied Materials bought a robotic arm that was manufactured by a Japanese company – Yaskawa. After finding an issue with the robotic arm and doing some cost-benefit analysis, the decision of donating the robot arm to the College of Engineering was made. Our goal is to get the robotic arm to function and effectively document the process involved (basic setup, operating procedure, and programming). We will accomplish this by using the manuals that came with the robotic arm and apply our engineering skills in debugging whatever problem there is to make the robotic arm functional once again. The purpose of the documentation is to make it easier for future students or engineers to effectively operate the robotic arm. This should prevent them from having to spend large amounts of time going through the same process we are going through now. If time permits, a library of applications will be created so that the end user can operate the robotic arm even with a limited knowledge in programming. The robotic arm will solely be used for educational purposes. It can be a very good aid for a Control Systems’ class in the College of Engineering.

