Apr 20th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Rush-Hour Congestion: Are HOV Lanes the Answer?

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Samia Islam


Rapid population growth in the Boise area tends to stretch the existing capacity of our roadways – especially, certain corridors - during rush hour. The section of highway on I-84 between Broadway and Caldwell sees increased amounts of traffic during peak driving hours. Our research will identify the causes of congestion and the subsequent impact of using HOV lanes during peak hours. Included in the analysis will be considerations such as the number of passengers required to access the HOV lane, times of operation of the HOV lane, and whether it would be beneficial to also use it as a toll lane. Data will be collected from previously published ACHD and Idaho Transportation Department reports and studies as well as other federal transportation agencies. We will also present data from comparable cities that have implemented HOV lanes. The expected outcome of this research is to show that HOV lanes could decrease travel time between the aforementioned Broadway and Caldwell exits during peak hours. A predicted decrease in negative externalities such as pollution, automobile accidents, and noise is also expected.

