Apr 20th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Investing the Role of Carbonyl Reductase in Anthracycline Metabolism

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Henry A. Charlier


Cancer is one of the few diseases which has not been significantly reduced in the past 50 years. One of the most effective anti-cancer therapies, anthracycline chemotherapy, is clinically limited due to cardiotoxic side effects. Significant evidence supports the role of carbonyl reductase in the conversion of the cytotoxic anthracycline to the cardiotoxic metabolite, which is significantly limited in its cancer killing ability. Inhibition of carbonyl Reductase could provide insight into its drug resistance role. We study the most effective inhibitors of carbonyl reducatse, biphenyl compounds, and their role in A549 cell anthracycline resistance. Further studies using interfering RNA could give quantitative evidence of carbonyl reductase’s in vivo effects. (NIH Grant # P20 RR016454)

