A Comparison of Two Types of Warm-Up to Improve Cricket Bowler's Speed

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Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Master of Science in Exercise and Sports Studies, Biophysical Studies

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Supervisory Committee Chair

Dr. Shawn Simonson, Ed.D.


Recent changes in international cricket strategies are exposing cricket players, especially fast bowlers, to increased physical and psychological stress. Conditioning should be implemented to cope with these increased physical demands. The purpose of this study is to compare two types of warm-ups to see which best improve cricket bowlers speed. It was hypothesized that when compared to a traditional warm-up, a heavy resistance warm-up exercise with 5 repetitions of 80 % of 1RM Bench Press will have a greater enhancing effect on the speed of cricket bowling. Fifteen male players between age of 18 to 40 years, who have at least 2 years of bowling experience, and baseline bowling speed of 100 kilometers per hour, participated in this research study. Data collected in three sessions separated by at least 2 days. During the first session age, height, weight, 1RM BP, and baseline bowling speed were calculated. During the second session participants were randomly assigned to one of the warm-up protocols between A (traditional warm-up) and B (high resistance warm-up). During the third session, participants who initially performed protocol A, performed protocol B and vice versa. One way repeated measures ANOVA conducted to determine difference between the baseline bowling speed and bowling speed measured after performing one of the warm-up protocols demonstrated no statistically significant improvement after heavy resistance warm-up over traditional warm-up (p>0.05). The outcome of this research study failed to support the use of heavy resistance warm-up instead of traditional warm-up to significantly improve cricket bowler's performance. Though the exact reason is unclear, it is likely because of the lower training status of the recreationally trained participants, and less likely because of the selection of the low intensity resistance exercise or inappropriate recovery time.

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