Nest-Site Selection and Reliable Indicators of Habitat Quality for the Winter Wren in Western Washington
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Type of Culminating Activity
Degree Title
Master of Science in Biology
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Supervisory Committee Chair
Rex Sallabanks
Managing habitat with the needs of birds in mind requires that we obtain a better understanding of which habitat structural characteristics that influence avian reproductive success. The composition and distribution of habitat characteristics are known to affect the nest-site selection (Martin and Roper 1998, Liebezeit and George 2002) and reproductive success of avian species (Hildén 1965). Identifying habitat features that provide favorable nesting areas and positively influence reproductive success may assist managers in optimizing suitable habitat for birds.
Recommended Citation
Soules, Jennifer, "Nest-Site Selection and Reliable Indicators of Habitat Quality for the Winter Wren in Western Washington" (2003). Boise State University Theses and Dissertations. 701.