Publication Date


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Department Filter

Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundational Studies


Curriculum, Instruction, and Foundational Studies

Supervisory Committee Chair

Kenneth M. Coll, Ph.D.


This study discusses the implementation of a service learning component in the first year college communication 101 level courses. Through the execution of a service learning component in college communication classes at a community college, student’s communicative competency and attitude toward community service is assessed. Using two different delivery approaches, a quantitative study assessed the pre-test and post-test of the standardized tools Communicative Adaptability Scale (CAS) and Community Service Attitudes Scale (CSAS). Eight sections of the communication 101 courses were distributed into two groups: 1) the experimental group consisting of 4 classes, and (2) the control group consisting of four classes. The experimental group was required to finish a service learning project by the end of the semester, consisting of 15 hours. The experimental group of 69 participants incorporated service learning through written journals, YouTube, texting, email, group activities, class presentation with video and/or presentation software. As part of a pilot study, the experimental group was categorized into two groups: (1) two classes that used Twitter and blogging, and (2) two classes that did not use Twitter and blogging. The control group of 64 students enrolled in a communication 101 course at the same community college but not participating in a community service project. Per the standardized measurements, the service learning attitude and communication competency skills of all participants were measured.

Quantitative research methods were applied through data collection of two surveys, the CAS and the CSAS. The CAS and the CSAS scales were taken by participants pre-implementation and post-implementation of the service learning component which was a community service project. Demographic data relating to age, gender, ethnicity, and experience in service learning were also collected to decipher whether a relationship between the demographic data and the survey results existed. The CAS showed that the experimental group scores increased significantly in the social composure and articulation subscales as well as the overall CAS score. The CSAS showed that the experimental group scores increased significantly in the seriousness subscale. The results support that the implementation of service learning significantly increases student’s communication adaptability and competence.
