Publication Date


Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)

March 2023

Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Doctor of Education in Educational Technology

Department Filter

Educational Technology


Educational Technology

Supervisory Committee Chair

Brett Shelton, Ph.D.

Supervisory Committee Member

Youngkyun Baek, Ph.D.

Supervisory Committee Member

Yu-Chang Hsu, Ph.D.


The subject of chemistry is a cornerstone of high school science programs and a conceptual understanding of chemical equilibria and Le Chatelier’s Principle continues to be both a fundamental and paradoxically difficult subject for educators and students. This study evaluated the effectiveness of a prototype immersive virtual reality environment. The prototype was designed and built to high school support students’ understanding of the concepts of chemical equilibria and Le Chatelier’s Principle. Data was collected to assess student understanding of the concepts being taught, as well as to evaluate the user experience with the prototype learning environment. Results of data analysis indicate that students were able to enhance their knowledge of chemical equilibrium and that the user experience was positive overall. The study contributes to the fields of educational technology, science education, and design of virtual reality learning environments. By collecting evidence to support the application of immersive virtual reality for this specific subject matter, it also provides a basis for future research utilizing similar environments for teaching and learning of other concepts as well.

