Publication Date


Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, Fiction

Department Filter

Theatre Arts


Theatre, Film, and Creative Writing

Supervisory Committee Chair

Mitch Wieland, M.F.A.

Supervisory Committee Member

Mary Pauline Lowry, M.F.A.

Supervisory Committee Member

Nicole Cullen, M.F.A.


This novel-in-progress explores the complexities of single parenting and coming of age in a misogynistic society. Through the perspectives of a recently divided family, we are drawn into the coping mechanisms of characters who have been impacted by the cyclical nature of sexism, alcoholism, and abuse. Told through multiple points of view, the novel aims to explore questions of how internalized misogyny and generational trauma force a person to look at their complicity in the rippling effect of societal expectations, and whether it is possible to break free after a lifetime of trying to survive in a society rooted against female individuality.
