Publication Date


Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

Department Filter

Theatre Arts


Theatre, Film, and Creative Writing

Supervisory Committee Chair

Kerri Webster, M.F.A.

Supervisory Committee Member

Martin Corless-Smith, Ph.D.

Supervisory Committee Member

Rebecca Wolff, M.F.A.


Steven Universe once sang, “I learned to stay true to myself/ by watching myself die.” This is precisely the natural journey we must all embark upon in this life; our self continually returning, remembering that which we can trust our bodies have known all along: we are not actually separate from this thing we’ve called nature. This ever-opening landscape necessitates fluidity and the recognition of other modes of knowledge and connection, sometimes only sound or space as our guide. A place where self-healing and self-sacrifice is simultaneously enacted. Each of these moments reverberates and affects the universal voice. The earth always already knows my pain and still welcomes me every time, us now—every time.


At the behest of the Department of Theatre, Film, and Creative Writing, the document available on this record only contains the front matter of the corresponding thesis. The document in its entirety is not available for general viewing.

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Poetry Commons
