Publication Date
Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)
Type of Culminating Activity
Degree Title
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
Department Filter
Theatre Arts
Theatre, Film, and Creative Writing
Supervisory Committee Chair
Mitchell Wieland, MFA
Supervisory Committee Member
Emily Ruskovich, MFA
Supervisory Committee Member
Cynthia Hand, Ph.D.
Growing up amid one-child policy in Beijing, Zhi-Nan is pursuing her PhD in Houston while living at a birth tourism house. She receives a text from her adopted cousin who has joined a monastery in Idaho. Convinced that her cousin is in a cult, Zhi-Nan starts a road trip with a white colleague to rescue her cousin from God.
Recommended Citation
Bei, Di, "Gift for Burning" (2021). Boise State University Theses and Dissertations. 1780.
At the request of the Department of Theatre, Film, and Creative Writing, the document available on this record contains only the front matter of the corresponding thesis. The document in its entirety is not available for general viewing.