The Extent of Interest in Southwest Idaho in an Expanded Graduate Program(s) in Counseling: A Survey

Publication Date


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Master of Arts in Elementary Education

Department Filter

Special and Early Childhood Education


Special and Early Childhood Education

Supervisory Committee Chair

Clair M. Bowman

Supervisory Committee Member

Anne Marie Nelson

Supervisory Committee Member

Wenden W. Waite


In the Boise Valley the factor of rapid population growth has complicated the education picture and overburdened many of the public social services (Sanford, 1978). There is an ever-increasing need throughout the area for more trained counselors, and for more training of those who work in the various areas of counseling. Engen (1977) discussed the need for school counselors everywhere to update and improve counseling skills, and he claimed that there are few organized efforts to help them do this.

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