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The purpose of this document is to provide readers with the coding protocol that authors used to code 21 studies that met inclusion criteria for a meta-analysis. The focus of the meta-analysis was to determine the average correlations between four common early numeracy curriculum-based measure measurement (CBM) tools (i.e., oral counting, quantity discrimination, missing number, and numeral identification) and mathematics achievement criterion measures. We also identified moderating factors of the relationship between CBM and the criterion measures. Studies were included if they focused on at least one of the four common early numeracy CBM, and included correlations for students in preschool, kindergarten, or first grade. We coded 21 studies published between 2004 and 2021, including 19 peer-reviewed journal articles and two doctoral dissertations. Across studies, we coded variables such as basic study information, participant demographics, general CBM information (e.g., administration time of year, publisher), criterion measure information (e.g., state test, norm-referenced achievement measure, time of year), administration lag time between the CBM and criterion measure, and the correlation.

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