Research Computing Days 2023

Lock-Exchange in a Simplified Fjord

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Presentation Date



College of Arts and Sciences


Department of Mathematics


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This is a simulation of two bodies of water of different density interacting in a domain created to resemble a Greenland fjord. The domain is 1 km deep, 15 km long and has some of the geometric features of a fjord (i.e. the bump on the bottom is representing a fjord sill which affects the ocean circulation). The simulation was done using Non-hydrostatic Unified Model of the Ocean (NUMO) developed by the author. The model is using advanced numerical methods (discontinuous and continuous Galerkin) and unstructured grids. This simulation is one of the benchmarks for the model aiming to simulate the interaction of ice and ocean in Greenland fjords.

Funding Statement

This project is funded by Department of Energy Office of Science awards DE-SC0014105 and DE-SC0015337.

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