Elisa Araujo
Even though Araujo experienced same sex attraction from a young age, she did not have a serious relationship until her 20s. Her coming out initially caused hardship with her conservative, Peruvian, Catholic father. Araujo is not active in the LGBTQ community, but does have a support group called the Lesbian Support Group which is made up of friends and family. She sees no point in getting married – marriage tax is too high and the marriage would not be recognized by the state. At this time of her life, Araujo is focused on starting a family and becoming a stay at home mom.
Playboy, Ellen DeGeneres, drug use, sports, Catholic, separation of church and state, Prop 8, fertilization clinic, family planning
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Community-Based Research | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Gender and Sexuality | History of Gender | Oral History | Sociology | United States History | Women's History