Enhancing Comfort and Repeatability of Human-Robot Attachment Systems: Comparison of Compliant Orthoses for BLUE SABINO
Faculty Mentor Information
Dr. Christopher Bitikofer (Mentor), University of Idaho
The human-robot attachments (HRA) connecting humans to exoskeleton robots should facilitate user independence and maintain alignment while balancing comfortable interface compliance against structural rigidity. Because exoskeletons are shared devices, constraints must fit a wide population of users. Size adjustment and misalignment between the user and robot’s joints have often been accommodated in HRA through compliant foam padding and flexible fabric straps. However, this limits the controllability and accuracy of recorded forces and motions. Further, fabric straps are difficult to repeatably set, usually requiring therapist assistance. Improved designs must create even pressure distribution to maintain comfort and facilitate user independence.
This research proposes a proof-of-concept comparison of innovative self-aligning, size-adjustable HRA components. Leveraging recent soft robotics advancements, novel orthotics were developed and evaluated against the existing conventional rigid designs used on BLUE SABINO. A ballistic gel simulated human arm fitted with an array of piezoresistive force sensors was used to measure and map applied forces. Kinematic alignment was assessed across 5th percentile female to 95th percentile male sizes using 3D printed arm cross-sections, a with a mounted laser used to quantify the misalignment. The developed mechanism and findings provide evidence-based recommendations for the design of HRA.
Enhancing Comfort and Repeatability of Human-Robot Attachment Systems: Comparison of Compliant Orthoses for BLUE SABINO
The human-robot attachments (HRA) connecting humans to exoskeleton robots should facilitate user independence and maintain alignment while balancing comfortable interface compliance against structural rigidity. Because exoskeletons are shared devices, constraints must fit a wide population of users. Size adjustment and misalignment between the user and robot’s joints have often been accommodated in HRA through compliant foam padding and flexible fabric straps. However, this limits the controllability and accuracy of recorded forces and motions. Further, fabric straps are difficult to repeatably set, usually requiring therapist assistance. Improved designs must create even pressure distribution to maintain comfort and facilitate user independence.
This research proposes a proof-of-concept comparison of innovative self-aligning, size-adjustable HRA components. Leveraging recent soft robotics advancements, novel orthotics were developed and evaluated against the existing conventional rigid designs used on BLUE SABINO. A ballistic gel simulated human arm fitted with an array of piezoresistive force sensors was used to measure and map applied forces. Kinematic alignment was assessed across 5th percentile female to 95th percentile male sizes using 3D printed arm cross-sections, a with a mounted laser used to quantify the misalignment. The developed mechanism and findings provide evidence-based recommendations for the design of HRA.