Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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We present a small (43mm x 24mm x 15mm), off-the-shelf wireless neurostimulator for rodent deep brain stimulation research. Our device enables researchers to wirelessly configure stimulator settings, such as amplitude, pulse width, channel selection, and frequency, via a phone app. The system uses impedance-independent current-mode stimulation and steers current to a selected channel. In addition to monophasic and biphasic stimulation, the system also supports arbitrary waveform stimulation using pre-stored lookup tables. The system uses a configurable grounding phase to clear residual charge and a stimulation compliance monitor to ensure safe operation. The compliance monitor wirelessly reports the current during stimulation, the amount of passive recharge current, and the DC voltage of the electrode interface. The 400mAh battery is easy to replace and can go over 40 hours between charges. The system can be built for less than $50 using easy-to-source components to support inexpensive, highly-parallel research applications.

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