
Submissions from 2024


“We’re Dirtbags and Proud of It”: Discursively Constructing Identity as an Adventure Worker, Kari J. Pink, Michael C. Coker, and Emily A. Godager

Submissions from 2023


Can News Literacy Help Reduce Belief in COVID Misinformation?, Seth Ashley, Stephanie Craft, Adam Maksl, Melissa Tully, and Emily K. Vraga


Moderating the Association Between Overparenting and Mental Health: Open Family Communication and Emerging Adult Children’s Trait Autonomy, Jian Jiao and Chris Segrin


(Re)Discovering Interpersonal Relationships and Self-Authorship in STEM Graduate School Through Mindfulness, Sarah Lausch and Kelly Rossetto


The Public Engagement Industry: Distancing Publics Through Managed Engagement and Ideologised Transparency, Ed McLuskie


The Grounded Model of Communication Savoring: Theory Development and Age Cohort Study, Margaret Jane Pitts, Alice Fanari, R. Amanda Cooper, Jian Jiao, and Sara Kim


Communication Technology and Social Support to Navigate Work/Life Conflict During Covid-19 and Beyond, Inyoung Shin, Sarah E. Riforgiate, Michael C. Coker, and Emily A. Godager


Associations of Adolescents’ Vocational Anticipatory Socialization: Exploring the Roles of Favorite Television Characters, Gender, and Parent-Child Communication, Larissa Terán, Yejin Shin, and Jian Jiao

Submissions from 2022


“It’s Always About Challenging and Supporting”: Communicative Processes of Resilience in Higher Education, Kelly R. Rossetto and Eric M. Martin


Social Media as an (Un)Supportive Resource for Military Partners Coping with Military Lifestyle Challenges, Kelly R. Rossetto and Jennifer S. Owlett

Submissions from 2021


From Poetry to Politics: Questioning the Rhyme and Reason of Title IX Rollbacks, Amy Arellano


“It’s in Our Nature as Daughters to Protect Our Familias… You Know?”: The Privacy Rules of Concealing and Revealing Latina Child Sexual Abuse Experiences, Nivea Castaneda


Organizational Culture, Discipline, and the Politics of Self: Transformation Through Responsive Conversation, John G. McClellan

Submissions from 2020


Integrating Professional Skills and Leadership into an Undergraduate Engineering Program, Harold Ackler, Heidi Reeder, and Abbey Louie

News Literacy and Democracy, Seth Ashley


My Enemy’s Fear is My Fun: Print Columnists’ Mixed Reactions to the Frights of Religious Dystopia, Rick Clifton Moore

Submissions from 2019


Beyond Fact-Checking: 5 Things Schools Should Do to Foster News Literacy, Seth Ashley

American Journalism and "Fake News": Examining the Facts, Seth Ashley, Jessica Roberts, and Adam Maksl


Interdependence in Dating and Cohabiting Relationships: The Role of Cognitive Interdependence, Commitment, and Marital Intent, Heidi Reeder and Eva Hart

Submissions from 2018


Women are a Problem: Title IX Narratives in the New York Times and the Washington Post, 1974-1975, Julie B. Lane

Critical Scholarship in Media and Communication Studies, Ed McLuskie


Fast-Capitalist Veils from Communication Theory for "The Public" and Its "Discourse", Ed McLuskie

Fast-Capitalist Veils from Communication Theory for "The Public" and Its "Discourse", Ed McLuskie

Grounding Communication Studies in Enlightenment Criticality: Scaling Up Theoretical and Dialectical Ambition, Ed McLuskie


Islamophobia, Patriarchy, or Corporate Hegemony?: News Coverage of Nike’s Pro Sport Hijab, Rick Clifton Moore

Submissions from 2017


Speaking as (Significant) Othered, Amy Arellano and Christina L. Ivey


News Media Literacy and Political Engagement: What’s the Connection?, Seth Ashley, Adam Maksl, and Stephanie Craft


The Use of Pathos in IPDA Debate: Justifications and Guidelines, Jeffrey Hobbs and Amy Arellano

Interorganizational Collaboration: Complexity, Ethics, and Communication, Matthew G. Isbell


The Usefulness of a News Media Literacy Measure in Evaluating a News Literacy Curriculum, Adam Maksl, Stephanie Craft, Seth Ashley, and Dean Miller


Blown Saves: The Fate of Baseball's Silent Cinema, Marshall G. Most


Perceptions of Paternal Support After Transitioning to College: Interpretations Based on the Generative Fathering Framework, Kelly R. Rossetto, Jimmie Manning, and ERik W. Green


Feminist Agency, Sexual Scripts, and Sexual Violence: Developing a Model for Postgendered Family Communication, Kelly R. Rossetto and Andrew C. Tollison

Submissions from 2016

Sexual and Relational Health Messages for Women Who Have Sex with Women, Sandra L. Faulkner, Andrea M. Davis, Manda V. Hicks, and Pamela J. Lannutti

Moon Idaho, James Patrick Kelly


Positioning for Battle: The Ideological Struggle Over Senator Joseph McCarthy and the American Establishment, Julie B. Lane


Grounding Communication Studies in Enlightenment Criticality: Scaling Up Theoretical and Dialectical Ambition, Ed McLuskie


“He’s Like a Brother”: The Social Construction of Satisfying Cross-Sex Friendship Roles, Heidi Reeder

Submissions from 2015


Making the Case for War: A Comparative Analysis of CNN and BBC Coverage of Colin Powell’s Presentation to the United Nations Security Council, Seth Ashley


Media Literacy in Action?: What Are We Teaching in Introductory College Media Studies Courses?, Seth Ashley

Student Journalism & Media Literacy, Megan Fromm, Homer L. Hall, and Aaron Manfull


Measuring News Media Literacy, Adam Maksl, Seth Ashley, and Stephanie Craft

Constructing the "Quality of Life" City: "Boise Is Best", erin daina mcclellan


Extending Critical Pedagogies: Attending to Economic Communication and Inspiring Critical Engagement, John G. McClellan and Majia Holmer Nadesan


Interaction Dispersed, Participation Compromised: The Report, the Field, and the Struggle for "Communicative Rights", Ed McLuskie


Forum Introduction: Promoting the Field Through Organizational Communication Pedagogy, Matthew L. Sanders and John G. McClellan

Submissions from 2014


A Historical Comparison of the Social Origins of Broadcasting Policy, 1896–1920, Seth Ashley


The Sociology of Media System Structure: Communication Policy and the “Double Movement”, Seth Ashley


I Am What I Am? The Baller Identity Measurement Scale (BIMS) with a Division I Football Team in American Higher Education, C. Keith Harrison, Laurel Traynowicz, Scott Bukstein, Ginny McPherson-Botts, and Suzanne Malia Lawrence


“Deep Interdisciplinarity” as Critical Pedagogy: Teaching at the Intersections of Urban Communication and Public Place and Space, erin daina mcclellan and Amanda G. Johnson


Announcing Change: Discourse, Uncertainty, and Organizational Control, John G. McClellan


Guest Introduction to the 40th Anniversary Issue: Manifestos, Web Pages, and Continuities in Criticality, Ed McLuskie

Scaffolding Curation: Developing Digital Competencies in Media Literacy Education, Paul Mihailidis and Megan E. Fromm


Having the Last Word, but Losing the Culture Wars: Mainstream Press Coverage of a Canceled Evangelical Benediction., Rick Clifton Moore


Seeing and Not Believing: Concern for Visual Culture in The Humanist, Rick Clifton Moore

Commit to Win: How to Harness the Four Elements of Commitment to Reach Your Goals, Heidi Reeder


Being Business-Like While Pursuing a Social Mission: Acknowledging the Inherent Tensions in US Nonprofit Organizing, Matthew L. Sanders and John G. McClellan


Amending Equal Time: Explaining Institutional Change in American Communication Policy, Tim P. Vos and Seth Ashley

Submissions from 2013


Teaching Nuance: The Need for Media Literacy in the Digital Age, Seth Ashley


The Closing of the Ether: Communication Policy and the Public Interest in the United States and Great Britain, 1921-1926, Seth Ashley


Developing a News Media Literacy Scale, Seth Ashley, Adam Maksl, and Stephanie Craft


Measuring News Media Literacy: How Knowledge and Motivations Combine to Create News-Literate Teens, Stephanie Craft, Adam Maksl, and Seth Ashley


Learning in the Geoscience Classroom: Q-Methodology, Learning Styles, and Individual Preferences, R. Trevor Hall, Ryan R. Jensen, and Daniel D. McLean

The Conversation About Gender That I Would Have with You, Manda V. Hicks

An "Official" Account: Delivering Occupy Portland’s Eviction Notice, erin daina mcclellan


(Re)organizing Organizational Communication Pedagogy: Attending to the Salient Qualities of a Communicative Approach to Organization, John G. McClellan and Matthew L. Sanders


At the Sandbanks of Critical Communication Studies: Hanno Hardt and the Meandering Mainstreams, Ed McLuskie

A Less Than Perfect Game, in a Less Than Perfect Place: The Critical Turn in Baseball Film, Marshall G. Most and Robert Rudd

Submissions from 2012

VideoPoetry: Evocative Representations of Cultural Pioneers in Southern Idaho, James Armstrong, Peter Lutze, and Laura Woodworth-Ney


Exploring Message Meaning: A Qualitative Media Literacy Study of College Freshmen, Seth Ashley, Grace Lyden, and Devon Fasbinder

The Reality of Televised Motherhood: The Personal Quest and Feminine Test of Kate Gosselin, Mary Frances Casper and Deneen Gilmour

ABST-RED, Daehwan Cho


VideoPoetry: Collaboration as Imaginative Method, Peter Lutze, James Armstrong, and Laura Woodworth-Ney


Rhetoricizing the Urban: Finding a Living Public in Public Plaza, erin daina mcclellan

A Politically Attentive Discursive Analysis of Collaborative Talk, John G. McClellan and Stanley Deetz

Living in Worlds We’d Like to Live In: Capitalist Utopias in an Age of Counterfactuality, Ed McLuskie

Reading Humboldt Through the Theory of Communicative Action: The Democratic Potential of Symbolic Interaction, Ed McLuskie


As Predicted: Fact and Improbability in News Coverage of Astrology, Rick Clifton Moore

Gaming the System: Ethical Challenges in Innovative Organizations, Natalie Nelson-Marsh


Virtual Matters: Exploring the Communicative Accomplishment of Virtual Work and Virtual Ethnography, Natalie Nelson-Marsh


New Media, Old Criticism: Bloggers' Press Criticism and the Journalistic Field, Tim P. Vos, Stephanie Craft, and Seth Ashley

Submissions from 2011

The Fairness Doctrine in Light of Hostile Media Perception: A Psychological Critique, R. Trevor Hall and James C. Phillips

Moon Idaho, James P. Kelly

Passageways, Waterways and Castles, Michael Margulies

Narrative as Vernacular Rhetoric: Understanding Community Among Transients, Tourists and Locals, erin d. mcclellan


Reconsidering Communication and the Discursive Politics of Organizational Change, John G. McClellan

Sustainable Change: A Politically Attentive Discursive Analysis of Collaborative Talk, John G. McClellan and Stanley Deetz


Different Ways of Talking About Intervention Goals, John G. McClellan, Stephen Williams, and Stanley Deetz


Media Ethics as Panoptic Discourse: A Foucauldian View, Ed McLuskie

European Communication History: An Introduction, Ed McLuskie, Susanne Kinnebrock, and Christian Schwarzenegger

European Communication History II: An Introduction to Theoretical Perspectives, Ed McLuskie, Susanne Kinnebrock, and Christian Schwarzenegger


Bombing at the Box Office: Reviewers’ Responses to Agnosticism in Bill Maher’s Religulous, Rick Clifton Moore

Submissions from 2010


COMMUNEcation: A Rhizomatic Tale of Participatory Technology, Postcoloniality and Professional Community, Kirsten J. Broadfoot, Debashish Munshi, and Natalie Nelson-Marsh

Through the Looking Glass: A Learning Adventure in Second Life, R. Trevor Hall


VideoPoetry: Historical Photography in the Desert Garden, Peter Lutze, James Armstrong, and Laura Woodworth-Ney

Resituating the Audience Concept of Communication: Lessons from the Audience-Commodity Critique, Ed McLuskie

Submissions from 2009


VideoPoetry: Integrating Video, Poetry and History in the Classroom, James Armstrong, Peter Lutze, and Laura Woodworth-Ney


Communication, Stanley Deetz and John G. McClellan

Patriot’s Game? Images of American Nationalism in Baseball Films, Robert Rudd

Submissions from 2008

Broadcast Profanity and the "Right to Be Let Alone": Can the FCC Regulate Non-Indecent Fleeting Expletives Under a Privacy Model?, Edward L. Carter, R. Trevor Hall, and James C. Phillips


Designing for the Student: Users' Styles and Department Web Sites, Trevor Hall, Ryan Jensen, and Daniel McLean


Secular Spirituality/Mundane Media: One Newspaper’s In-Depth Coverage of Buddhism, Rick Clifton Moore

Conditions that Determine the Fate of Friendships After Unrequited Romantic Disclosures, Michael T. Motley, Larissa J. Faulkner, and Heidi Reeder

Behaviors that Determine the Fate of Friendships After Unrequited Romantic Disclosures, Michael T. Motley, Heidi Reeder, and Larissa J. Faulkner


A Mosaic of Visions, Daydreams, and Memories: Diverse Inlays of Organizing and Communicating From Around the Globe, Natalie Nelson-Marsh


COMMUNEcating in the Spaces In-Between: Creating New Understandings of Organizing and Communicative Practice Around the Globe, Natalie Nelson-Marsh, Kirsten J. Broadfoot, and Debashish Munshi

Submissions from 2007


The "Recognition Turn" in Critical Theory as a Communication Theory for Peace, Ed McLuskie

American Values: The Oppositional Discourse of Baseball Films, Robert Rudd and Marshall G. Most

Submissions from 2006


Examining the Constitutionality of Internet Filtering in Public Schools: A US Perspective, R. Trevor Hall and Ed Carter


Hugh Dalziel Duncan's Advocacy for a Theory of Communicative Action, Ed McLuskie


Ambivalence to Technology in Jeunet’s Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain, Rick Clifton Moore

Stars, Stripes and Diamonds: American Culture and the Baseball Film, Marshall G. Most and Robert Rudd

"I Like You... as a Friend": The Role of Attraction in Cross-Sex Friendship, Heidi Reeder

Books from 2005

Female Infanticide in India: A Feminist Cultural History, Rashmi Dube Bhatnagar, Renu Dube, and Reena Dube

Spirituality that Sells: Religious Imagery in Magazine Advertising, Rick Clifton Moore


Exploring Male-Female Communication: Three Lessons on Gender, Heidi M. Reeder

Submissions from 2004


Developing a Culture of Reclamation: Integrating History, Poetry and Video, James Armstrong, Peter Lutze, and Laura Woodworth-Ney


In the Company of Hanno Hardt A Festschrift on the Future of Critical Communication Studies, Ed McLuskie, Maria Hegbloom, and Fabiana Woodfin

Submissions from 2003


Religion and Topoi in the News: An Analysis of the “Unsecular Media” Hypothesis, Rick Clifton Moore

Designated Heroes: Cinematic Reflections of Baseball’s Cultural Ideology, Marshall G. Most and Robert Rudd

'I Like a Friend' : Attraction in Cross-Sex Friendship, Heidi Reeder


The Effect of Gender Role Orientation on Same- and Cross-Sex Friendship Formation, Heidi M. Reeder

Portrayals of Racial Minorities in Baseball Films, Robert Rudd and Marshall G. Most

Returning to the America That Was Meant to Be: The Cinematic Re-Emergence of Baseball’s Vision of Community, Robert Rudd and Marshall G. Most

Submissions from 2001

The Continuing Relevance of Epistemological Pursuits in a Culture of Practicality: (Re)Introducing MacLean's Critique of Communication Studies, Ed McLuskie


Environmental Issues and the Watchdog Role of the Media: How Ellul’s Theory Complicates Liberal Democracy, Rick Clifton Moore

"I Haven’t Got Ballplayers. I’ve Got Girls": Portrayals of Women in Baseball Film, Robert Rudd and Marshall G. Most

Submissions from 2000

A Critical Look at Gender Difference in Communication Research, Heidi Reeder

Submissions from 1998


Hegemony, Agency, and Dialectical Tension in Ellul’s Technological Society, Rick Clifton Moore

The Residue of Culture: An Ellulian Dialogic Analysis of Religious Imagery in a Network Television Drama, Rick Clifton Moore

Books from 1997

Anti-Gay Rights: Assessing Voter Initiatives, Stephanie L. Witt and Suzanne McCorkle

Submissions from 1996

Pacifism in Film: Exclusion and Containment as Hegemonic Processes, Rick Clifton Moore


Don't Bet On It... The Representation of Gambling in Baseball Cinema, Marshall G. Most and Robert Rudd

Submissions from 1989

Effects of Issue Specificity, Ambiguity on Evaluations of Candidate Image, Robert Rudd


Depth of Issue Coverage in Television News: Campaign ‘84, Robert Rudd and Marjorie J. Fish

Submissions from 1986


Issues as Image in Political Campaign Commercials, Robert Rudd