Koldo San Sebastian


Koldo San Sebastian has been incredibly prolific in chronicling the Basque story. Born in Avilés, Spain in 1953, he studies at the universities of Oviedo in Navarre and the University of the Basque Country. Since 1969 he has collaborated with various entities reporting on Basque identity including Radio Popular de Pamplona, La Voz de Asturias, Muga, Euzkadi, Alderdi and BBC Radio International. For about twenty years he also worked with the Basque newspaper Deia. Since 1986 he has remained active in the International Federation of Journalists and has participated in numerous seminars and conferences. During the 1990s he wrote and directed several documentaries for the Basque television station ETB. He has published various books and articles, including Crónicas de postguerra, Historia del Partido Nacionalista Vasco, Nacionalismo y heterodoxia, Memoria de un pueblo en marcha, Tiempos difíciles (con I. Anasagasti), Vascos en México (con A. M. Salazar) o El exilio vasco en Venezuela (con Peru Ajuria).