Ambrose Goikoetxea
Ambrose Goikoetxea, Ph.D., is currently the Director of Euskal Herria 21st Century Foundation (2004-present), based in Arrasate-Mondragon, Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, with sites also in Laguardia-Biasteri, Alava, Basque Country, and Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Professor in the Information Systems Department at Mondragon Unibertsitatea (2004-2007). A former professor at George Washington University (1985-1999), engineering and management programs. Systems engineering lead at MITRE Corp. (1999-2004). Has published eight technical books, over 40 papers in refereed scientific journals, three novels, and one musical “The Witches of Zugarramurdi” (versions in Euskara, English, and Spanish).