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bronze and acrylic paint on wood


Dimensions: 44 x 44 x 4 inches

Artist Statement

The idea I share here is the duality of human existence and how I have reacted to one side or the other. I say duality because we live with moments of pure joy and utter despair. We live with actions both heroic and horrific. We live with what we know and believe to be true and that of falsehoods and misunderstanding. I believe we must try to find the place we can be that is between the “black and white” of life.

Ring Thy Fallen Home speaks of the joy of loving and the pain of loss. It speaks of the blending of cultural beliefs and the desire to hope for a better world. Z ₁₀ speaks of the duality between logic and emotions, between the need to teach and the knowledge some will just not understand and between old and new ideas.

But most of all, my work speaks of the duality of my life. The joy of waking every morning and the fear in knowing I might not when next I sleep. The joy of being loved by a wonderful family and knowing I have loved them. The joy of living with the beauty of life and the understanding of how finite it truly is.

With my art, I challenge you to look for the joy and happiness in life but to understand there will be pain and anger. Please, live with the joy.


© Diana Lynn Rigsbee, 2018.
