Apr 20th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Effects of Caffeine on Learning Abilities of College Students

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Eric Landrum


The present research examined the importance and value of caffeinated products on learning abilities of general psychology students at Boise State University. Individuals (N = 70) received a survey questioning their personal opinions on if caffeinated products can improve the students’ learning abilities, increasing the GPA and the mentality. The students ranged in age from 17 through 42 (M = 20.17, SD = 4.74), both males and females. The products which students use are general coffee drinks, soda drinks, energy drinks and energy shots. The results indicate that there is no significant difference between genders’ ability for improving their learning abilities using caffeine products according a t test. However, percentages of students believe according to the results that caffeine helps to improve their learning abilities and have better GPA (total 30.0%). Also, a significant difference between males’ (M = 0.42, SD = 0.78) and females’ (M = 0.88, SD = 0.89) perceptions regarding caffeinated products which extent their studying hours exist, t (64) = 0.04, p ≤ 0.05. This suggests that males use caffeine to extent their studying hours differently than females. In this study, the more caffeine use from students before studying, the higher the value, satisfaction, and intimacy to extend the studying time. This research supports that caffeine products extend the studying time. According to the data, both of the predicted hypotheses did not state in this study, however the most important parts of the study is the percentages using the frequency scale for some items that caffeine products help students to improve learning abilities and mentality before a quiz, a test or an exam. This research stresses the importance of the effects of caffeine on students’ learning abilities. This study continues the research which previous studies started for the understanding of the effects of caffeine on students and their learning abilities and behavior in the school. The importance of caffeine products on students’ learning abilities is discussed, and more research is highlighted.

