Apr 20th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


From Where Will the New Bertsolaris Come?

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Nere Lete


The essence of Basque identity is the language, Euskera. One of the means by which the Basque language has been maintained is the tradition of extemporaneous singing or Bertsolaritza. The tradition may have prehistoric origins and has continued into the modern era, with formalized competitions and recordings. An interesting resurgence among young people has also occurred and teenagers, male and female, have begun to study the process and take part.

Nondik Etorriko da Gaurko Bilintx?

Euskera munduko hizkuntzarik zaharrenetakoa da. Euskaldunen nortasuna euskeratik dator eta bertoslaritza euskeraren errotik. Nire aurkezpenak bertsolaritzaren jatorria eta etorkizuna zein diren aztertuko du.

