Apr 20th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Determining the Ability of Resveratrol to Inhibit HCBR Activity

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Henry A. Charlier


HCBR1 is a NADPH dependent enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of carbonyl compounds to alcohol metabolite products. Anthracyclines drugs have been used since the 1960’ to treat aggressive cancers. They are known substrates of HCBR1 and when reduced cytotoxicity is significantly decreased and the alchol metabolite products contribute to cardiotoxic side effects. Current research focuses on designing inhibitors to mediate these side effects and include research on biphenyl compounds. Resveratrol is a naturally occurring compound that is found in everyday foods such as berries and wine. Resveratrol is a biphenyl compound and has been found to inhibit HCBR1. We found resveratrol to have an IC50 value of 7 μM and a Kii value of 4 μM. These values suggest that this compound can bind HCBR1 with enough affinity to lead to enzyme inhibition and prevent carbonyl reduction of substrates by HCBR1. The fact that Resveratrol is a naturally occurring compound found in everyday foods may lead to an effect inhibitor without introducing further side effects during cancer treatments. (NIH Grant # P20 RR016454)

